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ARAS Intergenerational Elders and Youth 

ARAS commitment to building service partnerships and relationships to deliver an annual Aboriginal Elder and Youth Intergenerational Mentoring Camp on elder abuse prevention. 

ARAS acknowledges the SA agencies, services and communities support towards our community development and awareness work on elder abuse prevention. We work in partnership to build on existing work, relationships and network for Aboriginal Elders to educate younger people about elders’ right to be safe in their homes and communities.

  • to create an opportunity to meet with local Aboriginal Elders and community members, to promote elder abuse prevention strategies on the country, where Elders can share their cultural knowledge with young Aboriginal people.

The passing on of traditional culture - language, customs and connection to the land through songs, art, dance and stories.

  • to connect young Aboriginal people with their culture, educating them about the value of caring for their Elders, and encourage the youth to take an active role in safeguarding Elders from abuse
  • to support ongoing work towards building community strength, and sense of pride and encouragement of the future youth to champion against Elder abuse.